The Greenbank RSL Sub-Branch offers assistance to all serving and ex-Service Members of the ADF and their families. Advocates are available Monday to Friday to assist with claims to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, however, appointments may be considered outside of these hours.
Our Advocates are qualified under the DVA-sponsored Advocacy Training and Development Program (ATDP) and may assist you with your entitlements according to your service history. We believe that any claim made to DVA should be done with the assistance of a qualified Advocate.
Our Welfare Support Officer may visit Veterans at home, in hospital or nursing homes. Please contact the Sub-Branch for further information. Poppy Services are also available at funerals for any ex-Service Member upon request from the family.
For an appointment to discuss your needs regarding claims for a service-related injury, illness or exposure, please call 07 3380 0270 Monday to Friday, or email at or
Our Advocates & Welfare Support Officer are:
Cec Thelander | Level 2 Compensation Pension Advocate, Mentor, Welfare & Wellbeing |
Stewart Rae | Level 1 Compensation Pension Advocate, Welfare |
Helpful Links:
Department of Defence:
RSL Queensland:
Department of Veterans' Affairs:
Open Arms:
National Archives of Australia:
Australian War Memorial: