Investing in Logan's future!

The Club's $50,000 School Bursary Program was implemented by the Club to invest in the future of our younger generation. The program aims to encourage, reward and support local students in excellence in academic performance, cultural engagement, strength and resilience. 

The 2024 voting poll has been finalised and the results are in! 

Congratulations to the following schools:


Marsden State High School --- Park Ridge State High School --- Browns Plains State High School 
Flagstone State Community College


Total program value of $50,000 will be distributed as below:

4 x Schools $3,000 upon completion of the voting competition

8 x Finalists nominated per school receive $500 each - 32 finalists in total

4 x Winners selected from the 32 finalists receive $2,000 each

4 x Charity/ community group/ sporting group as nominated by each of the 4 finalists will receive $2,000 each

1 x Overall Greenbank Bursary winner receives $3,000 for them and their school!



November 2023 - December 2023 - School Submissions

1st January 2024  - Schools who submit application enter the shortlist membership vote via manual counters at the Greenbank Services Club

1st February 2024 - 4  successful schools enter program and receive $3,000 and will be provided application pack. Schools to nominate their candidates via criteria provided on application forms

22nd April 2024 Recipient criteria’s - Candidates are to be selected evenly from 2 main criteria:

  • Academic excellence
  • Strength & Resilience

8th & 15th May 2024 School nominated finalists are interviewed by management of Greenbank Services Club.

13th September 2024 - Presentation ceremony where all prizes are issued at Greenbank Services Club

1st October 2024 - School Submissions open for 2025

1st November - Voting opens for 2025



All patrons will receive one token for any Greenbank Services Club Membership purchased/renewed, any Fortuna Meal Deal or other select products purchased in the Club within the outlined voting period. The patron will place the token into the barrel of the corresponding school they wish to vote for. 



Greenbank Services Club is an industry leading and dedicated community partner that prides itself on being an employer of choice. We offer a wide range of community engagements and support. Based in Logan, our Club actively works to connect our diverse community and provide financial support where and when it’s needed.



2025 $50,000 School Bursary & Scholarship Program $50,000 grass roots initiative enters it's 3rd year!    For over 30 years Greenbank [...]


2024 $50,000 School Bursary Program   Our $50,000 School Bursary Program enters it's 2nd year! Browns Plains State High School, Canterbury [...]


2023 $50,000 School Bursary Program   Our inaugural $50,000 School Bursary Program commenced in 2023. Browns Plains State High School, [...]